Where Are The Journalists?

Mar 6, 2009 by

Daily Show host Jon Stewart wins the takedown/smackdown/whateverdown this week for his eight-minute blast against CNBC.

You can check out the video through the above link, but also check out a couple of points of view on the whole matter below.

It’s satire and at times should be taken with a grain of salt in terms of objectivity. But Will Bunch over at the Philadelphia Daily News has a great article – What battered newsrooms can learn from Stewart’s CNBC takedown – that’s worth reading.
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There’s a slightly different take from Dan Mitchell over at The Big Money, with seriously valid points.

To me, there just seems to be a lack of aggressive reporting over the entire economic meltdown. I’m missing the outrage somehow. More importantly, I’m missing the stories that hold people accountable. Journalists seem to be following the latest arrest or easy target (corporate jets), rather than digging deeper.

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