Time For Some Links

Apr 9, 2009 by

On vacation, well trying to be and it’s not working out, but that’s another story.

Anyway, there’s a couple of articles worth pointing out – one on newsroom/online convergence and another on online paid content.

They’re by two guys I know and respect, and you should too, as they deal/have dealt with these issues for longer than anyone.

First up is Steve Yelvington, one of the deep thinkers at Morris Communications, where I used to work.  Steve pulled together a report on newsroom/online convergence that everyone should read.

And with his expertise, he was able to solicit a lot of comments from all over the globe and from both sides of the fence.

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Following that is a post by Neil Budde of DailyMe. He’s also the former vice president and editor of Yahoo! News, and for reasons for this post, the founding editor/publisher of The Wall Street Journal Online.

Neil includes some interesting links you should follow up on to his post on paid content and how and why they did it at the Journal.

Quote: To understand the success of the WSJ subscription model and contemplate what other information-based products might merit a fee, I think you first have to explode another “myth” about WSJ.com. I think it’s commonly assumed that we conceptualized, designed and built The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition (as we called it during development in 1994-95 and at its launch in 1996) and then decided to charge for it. Quite the opposite was true. We began with the premise that we wanted to build a “product” that would have sufficient value that people would pay for it.

Read the rest here.

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