Mr. Winters, You Are On In 5, 4, 3 …

Aug 31, 2011 by

So I woke up in the middle of the night from this really weird dream.

Talk about a parallel universe, the dream involved me – an old print journalist – appearing on live television.

Talk about crazy, I mean a print guy on television? Wow. And then it hit me; the truth that is. Turns out I am appearing on television. And live. And tonight.

More on that in a second.

There was a day before the internet. I know that comes as a blast of disbelief to some. But it’s true.

Before the internet, people got their news from three primary sources – newspapers, television and radio. Newspapers pretty much ruled, primarily because our newsroom staffs simply dwarfed radio and television staffs combined, multiplied by about 10.

The joke, which was only partly a joke, was that we print journalists would always watch the local news in the evening solely so we could hear our stories read on the air.

And we didn’t mix. There was a big rivalry between the three medias. We’d never quote a television reporter, and it was a rarity that we print guys ever appeared on television.

The internet changed all that. Now, newspaper newsrooms probably have the staff of television. I have no idea how they get the paper out. And with all the cable and internet shows now, the few remaining print journalists are all over television.

And now so am I.

Tonight I’m appearing on “Atlanta Live,” a two-hour, yes, live, television show of WATC-TV 57. I’ll be talking about two of my books, Everyone Needs A Sam and the accompanying study guide, which just came out.  The books are about mentors, defining true friendship and seeking Biblical wisdom. You can read more about them here. 


If you have nothing going on, please feel free to watch. But show me grace, I’m a print guy, not a “live television” guy.

The show is from 7-9 p.m., and I’ll be on sometime during that window for about 15 minutes. Not sure exactly when. For my friends out of the area, there’s a live stream at

So I’m prepping and praying, and could use your prayers as well.

And on another note, thanks to everyone who has stopped by the last two days to check out our new bookstore at

We truly appreciate your support. We believe in our message and hope you will recommend our books to your friends.

Now, where’s makeup?

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