Those “Special Days” Can Sure Get Special
Okay, so it was Valentine’s Day and it’s going to be romantic and an awesome dinner planned and well, life gets in the way.
Because while the Little Black Dress and I are working up the food and other “things,” the Sons of Thunder are all in our wheel boxes about getting their Pinewood Derby cars ready. And ready, like right now.
Note to self: Combining Valentine’s Day and building anything other than a romantic fire does not mix. That especially goes for Pinewood Derby cars. That especially goes for Pinewood Derby cars and the Sons of Thunder.
I already noted my feelings about Valentine’s Day in an earlier post.
But I digress.
You cannot have a romantic dinner with the Little Black Dress with blocks of wood, wheels, paint and other “stuff” all over the place. You cannot have a romantic dinner with the LBD while one Son of Thunder is screaming with a massive ear infection. You cannot have a romantic dinner with the LBD when another SoT is not happy his planned tank designed Derby car looks more like a speed racer. And said SoT is letting you know about it.
So while the LBD is trying to put some special design “skin” on the Derby cars, I’m trying to get dinner going. The LBD is not having a good time.
That’s because there are a few “discussions” over who is going to get which “skin.” And the youngest is in an uproar because he’s too young for the Derby and is demanding – as in right now – that I drive 45 miles to the nearest official Pinewood Derby car place to get him one because why do his two brothers get to build a car and he doesn’t and that’s not fair and you don’t love me and now I’m going to sulk, but do it really loudly and stomp and …
I believe it was somewhere around this time when the LBD looked at me and said “This is the Valentine’s Day from …” Or something to that effect.
Sometimes in life you just have to flip the dog.
So we said screw it. We’ll all eat together (romantic dinner with the Sons whee!!!) and everyone agree on a movie and I’ll finish dinner. Side note: dinner was steamed artichokes, baked potatoes and lamb chops marinated in horseradish mustard, rosemary and garlic. Said chops cooked perfectly on the grill. Just in case you were wondering.
And of course it will be some romantic movie, like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”or “An Affair To Remember” or “The Way We Were” or … “Jumaji.” Yes, the Sons decided on Jumaji, complete with crazy monkeys, big spiders, a board game that can kill you and … whatever.
Now the Sons have seen this movie before. In fact they can recite many of the lines. But for some reason, and tonight only, they all decide they are scared after watching it.
And yes, that means they are all sleeping in our bedroom. On Valentine’s Day. Oh yes.
You know, the Little Black Dress and I have come to realize that these “special” days rarely turn out as planned. It’s part of our just flipping the dog philosophy – because the LBT likes to do week-long celebrations of these kinds of days. You know, just in case. So we did get to have a couple of romantic dinners, and had fun “folding laundry” during the week. Yes, that’s our code word. Yes, if you have small children you can borrow it.
It’s okay if the special day itself doesn’t turn out so special. Maybe we weren’t alone together on Valentine’s Day, because we had the Sons of Thunder all around us.
And that was actually a good thing. We definitely will remember this one.
The menu sounds a lot like a few we used to share in Juneau. You will need to make this up to the LBD.$$$
I do miss the king crab and the fresh salmon. I have this complete hatred of farmed salmon now
ah yes, I knew I wasn’t missing something. the dreadful Pinewood Derby. I had a nice long talk with my 9-yr old this fall, and we decided to drop Cub Scouts this year. call me cynical, an jerk, whatever you want – I couldn’t see myself wasting so much time learning about the stupid food pyramid every year, and whatever other random (non-Scout related) garbage we had to learn/do. and, on top of that, I felt like they were constantly peppering me for more money – popcorn, new uniform stuff, expensive camping trips, and on and on. we’re planning to do our own camping (for sooo much cheaper, I’ll be able to cook my own good food, and drink beer if I so choose!), and I’ll teach him outdoorsy stuff myself (and skip the uniforms!). plus, I can drag along sons #2 and #3 to learn as well.
the other thing that chapped me – they showed all these promotional videos with awesome mountain expeditions, sailing giant schooners, all stuff to get the 7 to 11 year olds all geeked, only to remind the parents that once the kids are actually 15 or 16 yrs old, only then would they be eligible for these (mostly likely crazy expensive) trips. talk about yanking yer chain. ok, off my soapbox.
sounds like my usual “us” day – the 3 boys get in the way, romance gets left on the wayside. I spent a large part of the morning watching the 2nd race of the America’s Cup, and my wife went shopping for birthday stuff for boy #1’s upcoming party in the afternoon. I did make her a nice gluten-free chocolate cake, which she loved (she’s gluten-intolerant). went great with some ice cream and strawberries. not quite your smorgasborg, but it worked (did you really grill in the winter? outdoors?)
oh yeah – you’ve gotta put the foot down on kids sleeping in the bed. we struggled with that with son #1, learned our lesson, and have been pretty strict with it since then. aside from the “folding laundry” issues, it’s just too dang uncomfortable.
cheers, my2fish
yes, Scouting is becoming a problem – especially when the cub master doesn’t show up or quits.
I recall one Pinewood Derby year when I nearly ripped off my thumb using some special japanese saw or something.
I friggin hate Pinewood Derby. It turns into some contest among dads as to who can build the best one. As I recall, the scout book highly suggests nothing but manual tools. Now how the “kid” made an exact replica – down to a perfectly measured scale model – of the batmobile with a file, I’ll never know.
Actually, just made the kids sleep on the floor. Problem is when you kick them out, they just start banging on the door at really, really bad times.